You can’t have the family farm without the family (G.K. Chesterton)

Better that only a few Catholics should be left, staunch and sincere in their religion, than that they should, remaining many, desire as it...

Pray a great deal for governments. Pity those governments which persecute the religion of Our Lord. If governments left the Church in peace and...

As for this, my lowly body, it will be the concern of the Lord, to direct it as it pleases him, whether my troubles...

Our thoughts ought by instinct to fly upwards from animals, men and natural objects to their creator. If created things are so utterly lovely,...

Finally, be strong lest prosperity lift you up too much or adversity cast you down. Be humble in this life, that God may raise...

How great a gift of grace is here! To what merits of their own do the children owe this kind of victory? They cannot...

Let us not be afraid that God will ask too much of us, but let us be guided by His Word in every daily...

Go often to rest your heart near the tabernacle; you will find there the necessary strength and graces to go more surely along the...

My God, it grieves me greatly that you are not known, that in this savage wilderness all have not been converted to you, that...