The faithful, moreover, by meditating upon these truths, will gain much strength and courage, enabling them to form their lives after the true Christian...

Tolerance is an attitude of reasoned patience toward evil … a forbearance that restrains us from showing anger or inflicting punishment. Tolerance applies only...

No type of cruelty can tear down the religion established by the mystery of Christ’s cross. The Church is not diminished by persecutions, but...

Please God I will give my life for the holy union, for the supremacy of Peter and of the Holy Father, his successor… Lord,...

Hitherto I have served you as a soldier; allow me now to become a soldier to God. (Saint Martin of Tours, +397)

When Christ came, he banished the devil from our hearts, in order to build in them a temple for himself. Let us therefore do...

When the human being is open to God, making the most of the disposition to listen to his voice:  when we listen to divine Revelation,...

God wishes us not to rest upon anything but His infinite goodness; do not let us expect anything – hope anything, or desire anything...

Fear is such a powerful emotion for humans that when we allow it to take us over, it drives compassion right out of our...

Hope is the power of being cheerful in circumstances that we know to be desperate (G.K. Chesterton)