O Blessed Mary, whoever loves you honors God; whoever serves you pleases God; whoever invokes your holy name with a pure heart will infallibly...

So then, the great Mother of God, so mysteriously united to Jesus Christ from all eternity by the same decree of predestination, immaculately conceived,...

The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive,...

Our labor here is brief, but the reward is eternal. Do not be disturbed by the clamor of the world, which passes like a...

I worship my God and serve him alone, and I am not afraid of torture. My God is the rock where I take refuge...

The world doesn't need what women have, it needs what women are. (Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, +1942)

One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, Our Lady will save the world. (Saint Dominic, +1221)

The Lord is more anxious to forgive our sins than a woman is to carry her baby out of a burning building. (Saint Jean-Marie...

In one day the Eucharist will make you produce more for the glory of God than a whole lifetime without it. (Saint Peter Julian...

To conquer himself is the greatest victory that man can gain. (Saint Ignatius of Loyola, +1556)