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      Australia needs the Sacred Heart of Jesus

      (Australia, the antipodean Land Down Under, is under a severe lockdown, with people arrested for surfing all alone, and, what is far worse, no...

      Putting Covid in Perspective: A Reflection

      (Even if one may not agree with everything herein - and who said we have to agree on everything? - this is certainly an...

      Pain: God’s Megaphone

      All manifestations of God, like the Blessed Sacrament, are concealments as well. Everywhere God is veiled; Everywhere he works underground; Everywhere he sets up...

      The Good Wife

      A good wife, who can find?  She is far more precious than jewels... Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears...

      In Times Like This, Structure is Especially Essential

      In this time where the schools are shut down, business is shut down, we are living off of government handouts, Churches are closed indefinitely,...

      Putting on the Mind of Christ

      "Have this mind among yourselves, which was in Christ Jesus" St. Paul wrote to the Philippians.  I dare say that most Christians have no idea...

      A Christmas Poem, by G.K. Cheserton

      There fared a mother driven forth Out of an inn to roam; In the place where she was homeless All men are at home. The crazy stable close...

      Saint Thomas and Merit

      (Here is, for your perusal, Saint Thomas' teaching on charity - or divine-like love, 'willing the good' - is the principle of merit, rather...

      Embracing our Cross

      If anyone wants to become my disciple, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me (Mt. 16:24). As we continue our...

      18th Sunday: The medicine of immortality

      Jesus saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them and cured their sick. ... And all ate and were filled (Mt 14:...