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      Saint John of the Cross: A Sound Teacher of True Love

      Today, 14 December, we celebrate the feast of a great Spanish mystic, a friend and a co-reformer of the Carmelite religious family, namely Saint...

      The Voice and the Dawn

      “So he said, 'I am, as Isaiah prophesied: A voice of one that cries in the desert: Prepare a way for the Lord'” (Jn 1:23). “He was...

      The Third Sunday of Advent: A Voice Crying the Wilderness

      Do not despise the words of Prophets…hold fast to what is good; abstain from every form of evil (1 Thess. 5:17). ⧾ Again on this...

      The 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of St. Joseph as Patron Saint of the...

      Besides celebrating the great solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, the Mother of God and Our beloved Mother, on December 8th we also...

      Big data and the Birth of Christ

      From the information superhighway to artificial intelligence to contact tracing for COVID-19, ours is certainly the era of “big data.” “Big data” might seem like...

      Mother Egarée’s Thimble and the Hierarchy of Truths

      (On what would be the feast of Saint Nicholas, the great foe of heretics, you may enjoy this delightful reflection from Father Callam on...

      Second Sunday of Advent and the Church in Quebec

      ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight’ (Mt. 3:3) ⧾ The Gospel of the Mass on this second Sunday of Advent introduces...

      The Subjective Monster

      There is an ancient Indian fable of six blind men who meet an elephant. Each of them touches different parts of the elephant. One...

      The Diamond of England: The Mission and Martyrdom of St. Edmund Campion

      St. Edmund Campion first became a major part of my life when I was assigned to read Edmund Campion: Hero of God’s Underground by Harold...

      A Feast for All Franciscans

      November 29th is the special day dedicated to all the Franciscans who are now born into eternal life. Every year our Franciscan Order reserves...