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      Elementary heroes

      Every hero in every story worth telling has at least one thing in common with every other decent hero ever written. Each one must...

      Honey, I hate you.

      A few weeks before Christmas, as I was working on something across the room from him, my boyfriend decided he was going to get...

      Mary and Spiritual Motherhood

      January 1 was the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God, a sort of liturgical Mother’s Day, as we highlighted one of Mary’s many titles:...

      On the second day of Christmas…

      So here we are on the far side of Christmas day. The sleepless nights of knitting and wrapping presents, hours of trying to find...

      The Holy Family

      Our December 2012 cover artist, Janusz Charczuk, is originally from Poland, where he graduated from the Technical University of Gdansk with a Master’s in...


      Most years, the last week of Advent finds my family scrambling to finish the Christmas preparations. This year, it looks like everything will be...

      Religious Environmentalism and Population Control

      Seems like those who give their hearts and souls to environmentalism are the only canonized saints these days: those who fight the good fight...

      Waiting and Knitting and Hoping

      About twelve years ago, I learned how to knit. I learned the basics and then set it aside for a few years. Eventually, I...

      Catholic marriage: you’re worth it.

      A few days ago, one of my fellow bloggers posted an article entitled, “Marry that virtuous Atheist!” I respect Mary’s opinion—but I think she...

      Always rejoice

      There is something about whining and complaining that’s utterly depressing, isn't there? Not only does it bring you down, it drags down everyone else around you...