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      The Meaning of the Magi and the Star of Bethlehem

      Every year, we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, commemorating the visit of the magi to the Holy Family, on Jan. 6 (hence the...

      Three Reasons Why Celebrating the Circumcision of Jesus is a Great Way to Start...

      (Mikyele Schramm has a few thoughts on the feast of the Circumcision of Christ, commemorated on the octave of Christmas, the first day of...

      Pope Benedict and Saint Gregory Nazianzus: Kindred Spirits

      BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Paul VI Audience Hall Wednesday, 8 August 2007 Saint Gregory Nazianzus (1) Dear Brothers and Sisters, Last Wednesday, I talked about St Basil, a Father of...

      Pope Benedict and Saint Basil the Great

      BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Paul VI Audience Hall Wednesday, 4 July 2007 Saint Basil (1) Dear Brothers and Sisters, Let us remember today one of the great Fathers of the...

      No Ambition Except to Do Good: Mary, Mother of God and A New Year

      January 1st begins the new calendar year and it also brings to an end the celebration of the Christmas Octave with the celebration of...

      The Mighty Genius of Michelangelo, 1475-1564

      The Italian sculptor and painter Michelangelo lived to be nearly ninety years old, fulfilling his own dictum: I am a poor man and of...

      Pope Benedict and the Holy Family

        BENEDICT XVI   ANGELUS St Peter's Square Sunday, 31 December 2006   Dear Brothers and Sisters, On this last Sunday of the year we are celebrating the Feast of the Holy Family...

      Leonardo da Vinci ~ Unfinished Artist (1452-1519)

      Arguably the most popular painting in the Western World is The Last Supper, and virtually every educated person knows that it was painted by...

      The Hope of the Holy Innocents

      The feast of the Holy Innocents, which we celebrate appropriately enough within the octave of Christmas, might seem a troubling commemoration at first glance....

      St John the Evangelist and His Life-Giving Message

      Two days after the Solemnity of Christmas, Mother Church celebrates the beautiful memorial of St John the Evangelist. Pope Benedict XVI, seeing the paramount importance...