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      The Mystagogy of the Resurrection

      These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you – that everything written about me in the Law...

      Third Sunday of Easter and the Fulfillment of God’s Word

      In the Nicene Creed we find the phrase, “ suffered death and was buried, and rose again . . .  in accordance with the...

      Mass in Pyjamas?

      When I go to work during this pandemic, I make doubly sure that I am properly dressed and have adequate PPE – 'personal protective...

      Blessings of monotony

      (From our archives, but which may help in these days of isolation. Editor) In the vast collection of literature that has been written throughout the...

      Ukrainian Pysanky Eggs

      From our archives, Sharon-Rose Milan - now Sharon-Rose Fraser, wife and mother - from years ago, in April. She is still an artist and...

      Lynn’s Resurrection

      The significance of today's Gospel, about doubting Thomas—came home to me in a special way on 1 January 1975 when I was informed of...

      Two Different Views of the Story of Emmaus

      (A re-posting of this gem from Dale Ahlquist, which fits the spirit of our times) Okay, the big news at our house is that we...

      Cathedrals and Chastisements

      It was one year ago yesterday – April 15th, 2019– that Notre Dame cathedral, built over a century between 1160 and 1260, and has...

      Surrendering to Grace When Bereft of the Sacraments

      In times of spiritual aridity we can be tempted to think that without certain works, like the Sacraments, our good Lord cannot save us....

      Christ, the Hope of Glory

      My dear friends, in this Easter season, I’d like to talk to you about hope. Indeed, casually speaking, we have much to “hope” for...