J.S. Bach: Cantata for the First Sunday of Advent: Nun Kum, der Heiden Heiland
A blessed and grace-filled Advent to all our readers! As we begin our preparation for the coming of Christ, both commemorating His first at...
Saint Andrew the Protoclete
Wednesday, 14 June 2006
Andrew, the Protoclete
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In the last two catecheses we spoke about the figure of St Peter. Now,...
Catherine Labouré and the Miraculous Medal
November 27th is the anniversary of the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Catherine Labouré (1806 - 1876), a Visitation Sister, during...
Iesu, Rex Admirabilis
Giovanni Pierluigi de Palestrina (+1594) was a master of counterpoint polyphony, of the ars perfecta, the 'perfect art' of music. His spiritual director was...
Christ the King, and the Church’s Eschatological Trial
‘When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his...
Who is Our King?
As Moses prepared the Israelites to enter the Promised Land he prophesied that they would ask for a king, “I will set a king...
A Triptych of Saints: Clement, Columba and Pro
November 23rd marks one of those tri-partite saint days, Clement, Columba and Pro, which sounds like a sign outside a law office. This is...
Nicolaus Copernicus: Catholic Pioneer of Modern Science,1473 –1543
The parents of Niclas Kopernik of Poland were dedicated Catholics and members of the Third Order of Saint Dominic. The young Copernicus lost his...
Saint Caecelia and What Church Music Should Be
As the patroness of Church music, and music in general, Saint Caeceilia has her work cut out for her. A young virgin martyr in...
Edvard Grieg’s Ave Maris Stella
To complement our devotion on this memorial-feast of the Presentation of Our Lady, here is Norwegian composer, Edvard Grieg's, polyphonic composition of the ancient...