Killing with Kindness
At the centre of Leftism is emptiness, a utopia at the heart of European civilization today and its only value is the complete repudiation...
Sacred Art on the Second Sunday
Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! (Jn. 1:29). ⧾
This declaration made by John the Baptist and...
Catholic and Christian Unity
Today, the 19th of January and the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, marks the beginning of the Church unity octave, a week of prayer...
Agape Love
Theresa of Avila wrote that “love is like a perfume-filled room.” Could it be that we can only describe such an ineffable concept using...
The Need for Spiritual Care in Dementia
“Dementia is a group of symptoms that affects mental cognitive tasks such as memory and reasoning. Dementia is an umbrella term that Alzheimer’s Disease...
Epiphany’s Lesson
In the events surrounding the birth of Jesus, three groups are called to our attention: the shepherds, the Magi and the court of King...
The Holy Rosary Through the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
Compiled and edited by Fr. Mark Higgins
Catholic Way Publishing, 2019
ISBN-13: 978-1-78379-510-9
Paperback CDN$13.08 on
In modern-day Marian apparitions, Our Blessed Mother repeats her urgent message:...
Facing 2020
“First we overlook evil. Then we permit evil. Then we legalize evil. Then we promote evil. Then we celebrate evil. Then we persecute those...
Timely Words from a Far Off Place
(On this feast of the Holy Family, in my breakfast reading, I stumbled across this homily from Pope Saint John Paul II which he...
Preaching the Primacy of the Family
It has always been difficult for the homilist to preach on the feast of the Holy Family. In the old days, the priest would...