Scandals There will Be, but Have Peace…
Paula Adamick has a take on a powerful new book by Jennifer Roback Morse, 'The Sexual State', outlining the government's role in aiding, abetting...
Mulling over Merton
Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was a Trappist monk, theologian, poet, mystic, and the author of more than seventy books. Having lost both parents by the...
Tallis Choir of Toronto Presents William Byrd
Tallis Choir of Toronto presents:
William Byrd: Loyal Subject & Subversive
Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 7:30 pm
St. Patrick’s Church, 141 McCaul Street (north of Dundas,...
Half-Baked Mission?
When I was a child, I thought like a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things…
These words of Saint...
Virtue, Vice and Everything Nice? Blessed Dina Belanger
Father Callam’s take on Christ’s declaration that it is what comes from within a man making him unclean, all those unbridled and disordered passions...
A Manly King, and a Kingly Man
An article this morning in CWR quotes a recent speech by none other than Cardinal Sarah, recounting to young scouting pilgrims, on pilgrimage to...
Update on the Editor
As some may know, I am on a pilgrimage-holiday, first to my native Scotland (whence I write at present), then on down to Rome....
Irenaeus of Lyons, Bishop and Martyr
Saint Irenaeus is the saint of the day, the vigil of Saints Peter and Paul. He was bishop of Lyons in what is now France, a...
Jordan Peterson: Uncertain Prophet?
(The author here, a professor who wishes to remain anonymous for professional reasons, strikes a note of caution concerning the popular Dr. Jordan Peterson,...
Placating Tyrants and Playing Catch up with the Culture of Death
From Justin Trudeau’s eyebrow apparently falling off during a press scrum (apparently it may have been an optical illusion), to his tiff with President...