Dog (walk) days

A few days ago, I took my dog for a walk. While traveling, walks are a several times a day thing, but here at...

Disconnected Harmony

When the biggest of my little brothers read The Hunger Games his main complaint with the story was that it was not realistic. Obviously,...


Our March artist, Michael D. O’Brien, was born in Ottawa in 1948 and is internationally renowned as the author of twenty books, notably the novel...

Prophetic Parodies

I’m not sure if that anti-rape dancing video we posted recently was a parody, but the influx of migrants does not seem to...

Who Am I?

A few weeks ago on my birthday, a bunch of friends and I got together for drinks and excess amounts of various desserts. The...


In the past week, there has been a lot of rough weather. The worst of it, or at least the worst that has gotten...

Elizabeth Anscombe on Hating God

Elizabeth Anscombe (1919-2001) was a British analytic philosopher who early in life met and was deeply influenced by the great Austrian logician and linguist...

Life is a battlefield

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Martin Luther King Jr. In his recent homily, Pope Francis...

Tallis Choir of Toronto Presents William Byrd

Tallis Choir of Toronto presents: William Byrd: Loyal Subject & Subversive Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 7:30 pm St. Patrick’s Church, 141 McCaul Street (north of Dundas,...

Choices, Good and Bad

Today is the feast of Saint Matthias, the one chosen, as recounted in the first chapter of Acts, to replace Judas Iscariot, who betrayed...