Fake it till you make it.

Discouragement has to be one of the most debilitating feelings. It's not so much depressing as it is zapping of any kind of energy...

Life, death, and lousy campgrounds

In the time that my family has been on the road, our journey has been predominantly dictated by where we my parents have to...

The Soul of the Internet

One of my blogging heroines often says the only thing that qualifies her to blog is that she is a housewife with a computer—meaning,...

Love, and do what you will

I've been reading the Myers-Briggs personality profiles, assessing my personality, hoping that somewhere in the pages and pages of internet sources I will find the...

Symptoms of disunity

About five years ago, my dad began working for a company that repairs railroad tracks. His job requires him to be away from home...

My Fist Pumping Pope

I know everyone’s doing it, but I need to talk about the Pope. I don’t want to talk about conspiracy theories. I don’t want...

The Dreaded Valentine’s

So it's here. That day that strikes fear and dread into the heart of attached and unattached persons alike. The day of heart-shaped tchotchke’s...

Sacrificing for the victory

Yesterday was the sort of day where curling up on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate and a feather blanket seems like...

Spring thaw, Eel’s Creek

Our January 2013 cover artist, Francis Dvorak, holds a BA in Philosophy from the University of Toronto. He studied painting under Michael John Angel, a student of Pietro...

Relativism and the meretricious hero

The word altruism is defined as concern for another without regard for injury to oneself. It is used, usually in psychology, to describe heroism—the...