Education: the root of heroism.
"Education" may not be the first word that comes to mind if you are asked what causes heroism, but it's an interesting idea. Today...
Truth and Fiction
The saying that the truth will set you free has been so often repeated that is the sort of thing that one almost ignores....
Fashion and Dignity
Spring is here—Alleluia! I've been waiting for warmer weather like a little kid waits for Christmas morning, gleefully counting down the days. It happens every...
Catholic culture
About two weeks ago, my family parked in a small town in Iowa. We chose this town because the church is within walking distance...
The Ugly Beautiful
It’s Holy Thursday today, as you likely know, and this year I am confronted with humanity: humanity in all of its ugly beauty. That’s...
Out of Control
People like to know where they are going. They like to have directions, to know when and where they will arrive at the end...
Keep it Simple. Stupid.
I don’t know what it is about women, but most of us tend to find relationships utterly fascinating. Get some girls together, and regardless...
We have a pope
For the past week, a lot of my family's television watching has centered around EWTN and Raymond Arroyo’s coverage of what is going in...
Lookin’ for Love…
I thought it strikingly ridiculous, during my morning "scroll" the other day, when I came across two hundred pictures of an acquaintances’ acquaintance and...
Anything Is Possible
One day years ago, while channel surfing, I came across a news story about a woman who became a man, and had decided to...