Saint Boniface: Laying the Axe to the Root of Evil

Saint Boniface, bishop, missionary and martyr was hacked to death by a band of Frisian idol-worshippers on this  day, June 5, 754, along with 52 of his companions. His life was one of tireless struggle to convert the pagans of Germania, steeped in dark, superstitious practices.  The famous story of his boldly chopping down the ‘Donar Oak’, which the Frisians held so sacred that any man who harmed the tree would himself die, has become a symbol of the magnanimous freedom of Christianity, contrasted to the pusillanimous slavery to false gods, which are little more than a mask for deeper, demonic forces, which seem, of late, as Belloc predicted, again to be coming to the fore.

Men do not live long without gods; but when the gods of the New Paganism come they will not be merely insufficient, as were the gods of Greece, nor merely false; they will be evil.  One might put it in a sentence, and say that the New Paganism, foolishly expecting satisfaction, will fall, before it knows where it is, into Satanism.

Winfrid, or Wynryth, his birth name, was a monk, sent on his missionary journey to the north of Germany by Pope Gregory VII, the great Hildebrandt, who renamed him ‘Boniface’, the ‘one who does good’. The Pope’s choice, like Christ’s renaming of Peter, was prophetic, for Boniface indeed did much good, more or less converting what we now know as ‘Europe’ (he is one of her primary patrons), dedicating his life to the cause of Truth, and leading others thereto, regardless of the difficulties and labours.

Boniface’s first mission to the pagans was unsuccessful, and it was only after he had received this specific mandate from the Holy Father, that his efforts turned the tide of incipient Germania towards Christianity, culminating in shedding his blood.  Our work for God always bears the most fruit when done under obedience of some sort, manifesting the voluntas Dei through properly constituted authority.

Mediated as it is by fallible human creatures – who as any honest introspection will reveal, are quite imperfect – authority is not often wielded well. God brings great good from the submission of our intellect and will, what the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, terms the obsequio animi, the ‘assent of our mind’.  It is only so that we can in the end fulfill the true ‘good’ that God desires for us and for all.

We owe a great deal to Boniface, for without the Faith, Europe is simply a geographical expression, dotted with some valuable monuments of past glory, and even these relics are in proximate danger of being lost, torn down by the neo-pagans, or like Hagia Sophia, turned into mosque. In demographic terms, the future belongs to Islam, but one never knows what God has in store – otherwise, it wouldn’t be the future. Boniface would not be much impressed by what has become of his Germany, and one wonders what ‘Donar oaks’ he would chop down in our modern era.

And before we settle into our own complacence, we should recall that preserving the civilization and culture – all that Christ through His Catholic Church has been bequeathed us – is hard work, requiring that we ourselves read, pray, study, learn, and immerse ourselves in all that is true and good, and ensure our children have the same. Inertia and a laissez-faire complacence will only allow the school system, the state, the media, to re-paganize ourselves and our children, a whole generation bereft of the classics and the catechism. We neo-Catholics immersed in a vague, coddled, environmentalistic syncretism, would have left the pagan gods and their symbols still standing, the people wallowing in their misery and ignorance.

Without the courage and constancy of Boniface and all who came after him, we would still be mired in meaningless myths, sacrificing our children to false and bloodthirsty gods. Our own parliament here in Canada just overwhelmingly approved ‘sex selective’ abortion, as we continue to worship our own Moloch, and, like that rough beast of Yeats’, slouching towards…well, towards what?

But ’tis never too late to wield our metaphorical axes, and lay them to the root.

Saint Boniface, orate pro nobis! +