Mary Beth Bracy

Mary Beth Bracy
Mary Beth Bracy is a writer who is blessed to research, publish, and speak extensively on various aspects of Catholic spirituality. Her books include Behold the Lamb, Bread of Life and The Little Way of Healing Love Through the Passion of Jesus: The Stations of the Cross with St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and she is co-author of the book Stories of the Eucharist. She has written articles for numerous Catholic publications and recorded some Catholic talks. Mary Beth is also a professional teacher, dual certified in English and Special Education, and the owner of a Catholic book and gift shop online. A proud member of the St. John Paul II generation, and lover of all things St. Thérèse, Mary Beth enjoys spending time in Eucharistic Adoration daily, keeping in touch with her family and friends, as well as, sharing her faith with others.