Mark Carney Calls a Federal Election for April 28th

After visiting the Governor-General, who must approve in the King’s name, Mark Carney has called a federal election here in our fair Dominion of Canada for April 28th, the shortest time permissible by law. Perhaps he doesn’t want his more radical views to be known, and hopes to ride the coattails of anti-Trumpism, itself trumped-up by an obeisant, bought-and-paid-for media. It’s going to be tough slog – opinion polls put the Liberals and Conservatives about tied. A couple of months ago, about the time Trudeau prorogued Parliament (which commences again today), the Liberals may well have been annihilated as a political party. The power of propaganda is powerful indeed. But I’m not sure how much a washed-up white-haired Mike Myers will help. ‘Elbows up’, indeed. Canadians can’t really be buying this schtick, can they? As someone put it, here are two multi-millionaires who made their fortune and spent most of their lives outside this country. What really is Canada? Tim Horton’s, maple syrup and hockey? We’re a lost nation in search of our soul and our identity.

We’ll have more to say on this, but for now, see Scott Ventureyra’s excellent analysis of Mr. Carney positions here on Catholic Insight. As well, peruse Jonathon van Maren’s take on Carney’s support for Canada’s free-for-all ‘right to choose’. The fact that he, a self-confessed Catholic who attends Mass, supports the legal and fully-funded murder of the unborn right up to the moment of birth should be condemned in no uncertain terms.

In reference to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Carney wrote:

I’m proud to live in a country where a woman’s right to choose is so strongly supported. But the devastating decision today in the U.S. is a clear reminder that progress should never be taken for granted. Our commitment to protecting fundamental rights must be unwavering.

What of the fundamental rights of the unborn children, one might ask? Mr. Carney should read over at least the last section of Pope Saint John Paul II’s Evangelium Vitae, and the duty of lawmakers. And his  is only one amongst any number of items on his radical agenda, from climate-change zealotry, net-zero, destructive economic policies, hidden carbon tax and woke-ism deluxe, which will continue the destruction of what we knew as ‘Canada’.

Will our bishops finally speak out clearly, with the parrheisa advocated by Saint Paul, after so many years of ‘Liberal’ Catholics such as Trudeaus, Chretien, Martin and the rest, who flouted and ignored Church teaching for so many decades? Whether or not the Liberals plan to remove the Church’s charitable tax-exempt status goes through, that should not inhibit our proclamation of the glory and beauty of truth. Splendor veritatis – that has a pleasant ring to it.

April 28th is the memorial of Saint Louis de Montfort and Saint Peter Chanel, both courageous and intrepid souls, who will provide some powerful intercession. At the end of the day, our hope is not in politics, nor in politicians, but in Almighty arm of God Himself.

Our Lady, Saint Joseph, Canadian Martyrs, and all the holy men and women of this Dominion, orate pro nobis! +