Pray for the Supreme Court today, that they be open to reason, grace and the Holy Spirit. As mentioned in our post on racing to death, six of the nine Justices are Catholic, and may they listen to the voice of their conscience, to protect the unborn, and ensure once again their God-given right to life. Here is a press release from ADF:
PRESS STATEMENT: Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization
- US Supreme Court to hear arguments today regarding Mississippi’s law protecting mothers and unborn children from 15 weeks gestation age
- Case could overturn harmful precedent; USA one of only seven countries to allow abortion on demand after 20 weeks gestation age
“Today, the US Supreme Court hears arguments for Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The case presents an opportunity for the Court to uphold Mississippi’s law protecting unborn children and their mothers, affirm that life is a human right, and overturn the harmful precedent set in 1973 by Roe v. Wade.
The U.S. is an extreme outlier in abortion law and policy, allowing late-term abortions and failing to protect the lives and health of unborn children and their mothers. Indeed, the U.S. is joined by only 7 other countries, including China and North Korea, in allowing abortion on demand after 20 weeks gestational age. Such company does not represent progress on human rights. The time has come to recognize as much….”