A Gift of Myself

A Gift of Myself, the second book in the Little Douglings series by Carissa Douglas is even more delightful than her first story, I...

Interview with Dorothy Cummings-McLean

What was your inspiration for A Ceremony of Innocence? A Ceremony of Innocence is very much a tribute to Graham Green and his book The...

What to expect when no one’s expecting

What to expect when no one’s expecting: America’s coming demographic disaster by Jonathan V. Last Encounter Books, 2013 ISBN: 978-1-59403-641-5 In 1796 Thomas Malthus published An Essay on...

Signs and Mysteries: Revealing Ancient Christian Symbols

Signs and Mysteries: Revealing Ancient Christian Symbols by Mike Aquilina illustrated by Lea Marie Ravotti Our Sunday Visitor, 2008 ISBN 978-1-59276-450-1 More devotional than academic, this book begins by...


The 1987 movie RoboCop has become a household classic over the last 27 years and even if you have not seen it, chances are you have...


On 25 February, the Ontario Science Centre held a media premiere for the National Geographic IMAX film Jerusalem. Writer, producer, and director Daniel Ferguson attended...

The Lego Movie

The time has come: LEGO has released its first full-length theatrical film, The Lego Movie, and it is doing fantastically across the board. It has...

The Catechism of Hockey

The Catechism of Hockey by Alyssa Bormes American Chesterton Society Books, 2013 ISBN: 978-0-97444-950-0 “What if Wayne Gretzky’s mother was his first teacher of hockey and supported him...

CBC Exposed

CBC Exposed by Brian Lilley Freedom Press, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-98816-910-4 Softcover, pp. 185; price: $22.36 CAD My relationship with the CBC as a listener ended about a decade ago...

Is Superman still a Christian hero?

What if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what society intended? What if a child aspired to something greater? (Jor-El, Man of Steel) In June 1938,...