Holy Norbert and Heroic Normandy

Saint Norbert (+1134) of Xanten was a zealous bishop and founder, whose feast has since 2018 been trumped by Mother of the Church. I...
Muhammad Ali and Donald Trump

Manchester, Muhammad and Trumping Ali

Britain stumbles into another election, this one in the wake of yet-another terrorist attack on the Vigil of Pentecost, with three Islamic jihadis mowing...

Lost Lectures or The Fruits of Experience

Maurice Baring, Lost Lectures of the Fruits of Experience. Peter Davies Ltd, London: 1932. From: High-Brows and Low-Brows Over and over again it has been my fortune...

Quarterly Review for January 1873

FROM: ORESTES BROWNSON, “QUARTERLY REVIEW FOR JANUARY 1873” The Works of Orestes A. Brownson, Vol. XX Collected and arranged by Henry F. Brownson Detroit: H. F. Brownson,...

Canadian errant

David Warren, former editor of the Idler and columnist for the Ottawa Citizen, now writes an “anti-blog” entitled Essays in Idleness at davidwarrenonline.com. He was born...

The Vicar of Christ

FROM: THOMAS WILLIAM M. MARSHALL, “The Vicar of Christ” Protestant Journalism, No. XLVIII London: Burns and Oates, 1874 And when they cannot entice men openly to rebel against...

Captain Fantastic and Hollywood’s Anti-Catholicism

Viggo Mortensen, the same actor who played Strider/Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, seems to enjoy getting naked in his non-Tolkien films,...

Nazi and Nazarene

FROM: RONALD KNOX, “NAZI AND NAZARENE” MacMillan War Pamphlets No. 5 London: MacMillan and Co. Ltd., 1940 We have to remember, besides, that the wedge method always...

Parents’ Day?

Tomorrow, besides being the much more important solemnity of Corpus Christi (at least here in Canada, more on which in a bit) is also...

Saint Anthony and Our Lady

There is a curious connection with today’s memorial of Saint Anthony of Padua, the place in Italy where he died (in 1231), for he...