Living Our Baptism

A blessed feast of the Baptism of the Lord, which in the novus ordo normally falls on a Sunday, standing for the first Sunday...

Thought Control, Khadr and King Henry the Emperor

I have an article published this morning in Crisis magazine, on a quartet of totalitarian thought-control laws recently passed here in Canada.  Feel free...

Saint Peter’s Cathedra

It might seem odd to celebrate a 'chair', even one of Saint Peter, but today's feast commemorates not a physical object, but the office of the...

Louis and Zelie Martin’s Ecclesia Domestica

There is no strict formula to being the parents of saints, but there are things one can do to ameliorate the process, as I...

A Good Lent

A blessed Ash Wednesday to all, as we begin the journey of Lent through the traditional practices of almsgiving, fasting  and prayer, not always...

The Catholic Origins of the Big Bang

Caeli enarrant gloriam Dei... The heavens are telling the glory of God (Ps. 19) A recent article in OnePeterFive proposes that the Big Bang theory,...

The DSM, Psychiatry, and Big Pharma

The DSM - the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - is the textbook, one might even call it the bible, of psychiatry and psychology. After...

The Muddled Metaphysics of Darwin

(Today, August 20th, marks the anniversary of the publication Darwin's Origin of Species, in 1858, whose full title includes also "by Means of Natural...

Thanksgiving Day

A blessed and joyful Thanksgiving to all of our readers, even the American ones who, of course, hold their own day of thanks later...