Under the Holy Cloak of St. Joseph, Patron the Universal Church and Patron of...

This past week, in the cycle of readings for ferial Masses, we read the story of the Patriarch Joseph. It is a story rich...

The Church Will Become Smaller…

From the crisis of today the Church of tomorrow will emerge—a Church that has lost much. She will become small and will have to...

The Beauty of the Mass as a Bridge to God

For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples (Is. 56: 7). ⧾ In any given region or country, a common...

Twenty-First Sunday: Entering By the Narrow Gate to Find True Freedom

Strive to enter to through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able (Lk. 13:...

Cultural Appropriation and the Shriveling of Free Speech

The days of free speech, as it was so quaintly called, fought for through the ages, seem to be drawing ever-closer to a sad...

Marie of the Incarnation: A Canadian Mystic

Marie de l’Incarnation: Études de théologie spirituelle by Pierre Gervais, S.J.:  A Review   Pierre Gervais is a Canadian-born Jesuit, professor of systematic, sacramental, and spiritual...

Pope Paul VI in Praise of Women

A young mother lightly remonstrated with me about my diatribe on Women's Day, claiming that the post did not emphasize enough the positive and...

Third Sunday of Easter: Growing in Love of the Lord

Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you (Jn. 21:17). ⧾ The Easter Season is a privileged time of liturgical catechesis or instruction...

Humility and Happiness

The prayer of the humble pierces the clouds, and it will not rest until it reaches its goal (Sir. 35:17). ⧾ The parable of the...

Theological Reflections on Cloning:  Personhood and Reproduction

(Some may not agree with all of  Dr. Alexander Lozano's conclusions, but his analysis of the issue of ensoulment and cloning is certainly an...