C.S. Lewis’ ‘Mere Christianity’ as ‘Mere Puritanism’

 In a letter of 11 December 1944 C. S. Lewis mentions five “shining examples of human holiness”. Along with Saint Francis, George Herbert, George...

Saint Joseph, the Model for Every Worker

On this Saturday, the First of May 2021, we celebrate the feast of St Joseph the Worker. This feast has a recent history. In fact,...

The Wedding at Cana: An In-Law’s Perspective

Dedicated to Rita Ann Knuffman As the old proverb, now meme, goes, “Blood is thicker than water”. Blood meaning family, and more specifically, individuals who...

Fifth Sunday of Easter and Union With the Eucharist

Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither...

Newman and His Fierce, Unchanging Religion

I will not shrink from uttering my firm conviction, that it would be a gain to this country, were it vastly more superstitious, more...

Saint George Preca, Catechist and Apostle of Malta

(We are a bit late, alas, in posting this reflection on Saint George Preca, a home-grown Maltese saint, whose feast was May 9th. But,...

The Vital and Abiding Need for Confession

Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them...

Saint Leopold Mandić, Croatian Hero of the Confessional

On this Tuesday 12 May 2021, we celebrate the feast of St Leopold Mandić OFM Cap. (+1942). Who was this great and humble saint...

Ascension and Novena to the Holy Ghost – First Day

In the Church universal, the solemnity of Ascension is on its traditional day, Thursday - so a blessed, if belated, and joyous one to...

Fulton Sheen’s Thoughts for Daily Living

The Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979) needs little introduction. At the peak of his radio and television popularity from the 1940s to the...